What a new survey reveals about HR and you


Forget about Clinton vs Trump – these are the poll results you should know about

A poll conducted this month with more than 500 members of the LinkedIn group HR Jobs and Ideas, revealed that 74% of HR professionals believe that most hiring managers are not adequately prepared to comprehensively assess candidates’ technical and soft skills. This means that that they are more likely make erroneous judgements about a candidate’s suitability for a role based on unconscious prejudices such as the candidates’ perceived similarity to the hiring manager, or their perceived level of ‘threat’ to the position of the manager in question.

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Such unconscious biases have been widely written about, and can have a major impact on the soundness of hiring decisions. Solving these issues is the purview of the HR department, but such expertise can only be utilized when management recognizes the problem. Different factors contribute to the health of a company’ bottom line, but 80.5% of professionals surveyed agreed that robust human capital management skills have a clear correlation with business success.





“Employers need to re-evauluate their current training and development programmes to ensure in-house expertise is being effectively shared at every level of the business” commented Alessandro Pala, owner of the LinkedIn group HR Jobs and Ideas, and co-founder of HR Upgrades. “Showing how directly the human element can impact cash-flows is critical for convincing organisations to go beyond paying lip service about the strategic importance of their people.”

And that extends into how the Human resources profession is itself perceived. The good news is that most professionals surveyed felt their good work was being acknowledged by their organisations, with only around 30% feeling undervalued. But there is clearly still work to be done in this area, as only 25% of responders felt that HR professionals are fully recognised as equal business partners in their company. This is important if organisations are going to survive and thrive in an increasingly competitive future.

A whopping 94.7% of professionals surveyed felt that liberating the full creative and productive potential of their people is one of the most important strategies for remaining competitive in today’s economy. Significantly only 6% felt organisations should focus more on section and less on personal development.  “More investment is going to be needed in training and development” concludes Pala, “and more research into how diverse teams can be encouraged to work together and communicate effectively with each other.”




HR Upgrades aims to improve this state of affairs with SolarHRTM, an online Business Simulation Game specifically designed to improve companies’ ability to get it right when hiring new people or developing talent from within their ranks.

While simulation games are a well-established, learn-by-doing, training methodology routinely used by all sorts of organizations, SolarHRTM is revolutionary in being able to model how individual technical competences and soft skills come together in teams to drive business performance.

Check out our products page  to download SolarHRTM product brochure and/or video.

“Academia has been developing business simulation algorithms for years, but we are different in that our simulation engine is particularly adept at capturing the monetary value of human capital”, Professor Gianpaolo Iazzolino, on of the lead Management Engineers behind SolarHR.


This article was written by Alison Micklem, MBPsS at the British Psychological Society. Alison Micklem is the manager of the LinkedIn group “HR Jobs & Ideas” which has around 200,000 members.

You can find the original article here: http://www.hrupgrades.com/business-needs-increase-spending-training-development

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